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RetroBuddy™ Case

38% OFF

Official case for the RetroBuddy






Frequently Asked Questions

Instructions and Controls

Nintendo DS (NDS):

When running NDS games press L2 or R2 to switch screens.
Save games on the NDS and other consoles by clicking both joysticks and then clicking “A” on save state.
To load games, click both joysticks and then click “A” on "Load state".
You can also access NDS cheats from the same menu
Use the right joystick as the Stylus for the NDS and click on the right joystick to interact with the Stylus.

General Consoles (PSP, N64, PS1 ETC):

Exit games with: SELECT + START
Some consoles SAVE with: SELECT + R1
Some consoles LOAD with: SELECT + L1
You can also SAVE/LOAD by clicking both joysticks -> Choose a save slot and tap B -> Anytime you would like to load a game, click both joysticks again -> tap B on the load state!

Operations with the Plus cards are a little different.

Plus Cards:

Exit game: FN + START or click both joysticks and exit game
LOAD: FN + L1 to load
NDS: L2 or R2 to switch screens
NDS: Click both joysticks to access cheats, save, AND LOAD

Do i need to Install Anything?

The Retrobuddy comes pre-installed with over 15,000 games. Just turn it on and start playing!

How Does Shipping and Delivery Work

Once an order is placed, our team will collect your items from the heavens and package them with love and hugs. 


Although we will get your package shipped as soon as possible, please allow 2-3 business days for our team to finish processing your order. 


As soon as your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a magical tracking number. 


There will also be a link you can click to track your order easily.

How Do I Track My Order?

As soon as your has shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a magical tracking number. There will also be a link for you to click to track your order easily. All else, you can tap above "Track Order" to track your order by inputting your contact and order number.


1.⁠ ⁠Ensure that you are using the cable given to you in the box. Using any other cables that are not USB-C to USB-A can mess up the device. These steps are explicitly listed on the product page as a warning!


2. If the RetroBuddy is not loading up properly, it could mean that the battery is low and needs to be recharged with the cable included. If it is charged and is not loading up, press and hold the reset button or power button. 


3.⁠ ⁠Try removing the SD card and inserting it again to reset the system


4.⁠ ⁠Because of the large volume of games, the single SD card may struggle with handling the load. Users experience better gameplay when they use two SD cards and import their own ROMs into the secondary card.

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